In the far reaches of the galaxy, where darkness looms and hope hangs by a thread, Captain Alex Sterling and the crew of the Relentless are thrust into a desperate battle against an ancient and malevolent force. The Amon, a brutal alien race, seek to wield the Zi-Tukal—an artifact of unimaginable power known as the Soul Sword. As war ravages the galaxy, Alex is haunted by visions of a future where the sword’s power could either save or destroy all life.
Guided by faith and driven by duty, Alex leads his team on a perilous journey through uncharted space, facing relentless enemies, treacherous environments, and their own inner demons. With every step, the stakes grow higher, and the line between victory and annihilation blurs.
In a final, bloody confrontation on a desolate planet, Alex and his crew must fight to claim the Soul Sword before it falls into the wrong hands. But as they close in on their prize, they discover that some battles are fought not just with weapons, but with the soul itself.
Will they succeed in securing the sword and saving the galaxy, or will they find that their quest has come too late?
A Matter of Faith is a thrilling space adventure where faith, sacrifice, and the fight for survival collide in an epic tale of courage and determination.